Package: PBSmodelling 2.69.3

Rowan Haigh

PBSmodelling: GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data

Provides software to facilitate the design, testing, and operation of computer models. It focuses particularly on tools that make it easy to construct and edit a customized graphical user interface ('GUI'). Although our simplified 'GUI' language depends heavily on the R interface to the 'Tcl/Tk' package, a user does not need to know 'Tcl/Tk'. Examples illustrate models built with other R packages, including 'PBSmapping', 'PBSddesolve', and 'BRugs'. A complete user's guide 'PBSmodelling-UG.pdf' shows how to use this package effectively.

Authors:Jon T. Schnute [aut], Alex Couture-Beil [aut], Rowan Haigh [aut, cre], Nicholas Boers [ctb], Anisa Egeli [ctb], A. R. Kronlund [ctb], Steve Martell [ctb], Norm Olsen [ctb]

PBSmodelling.pdf |PBSmodelling.html
PBSmodelling/json (API)

# Install 'PBSmodelling' in R:
install.packages('PBSmodelling', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • CCA.qbr - Data: Sampled Counts of Quillback Rockfish
  • vbdata - Data: Lengths-at-Age for von Bertalanffy Curve
  • vbpars - Data: Initial Parameters for a von Bertalanffy Curve


140 exports 2 stars 1.99 score 1 dependencies 4 dependents 130 scripts 1.8k downloads

Last updated 10 months agofrom:17434c5c7e. Checks:OK: 8 NOTE: 1. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 04 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTESep 04 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKSep 04 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKSep 04 2024


Introduction to PBSmodelling

Rendered fromPBSmodellingIntro.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Sep 04 2024.

Last update: 2023-10-24
Started: 2013-04-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add Arrows to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) CoordinatesaddArrows
Add a Label to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) CoordinatesaddLabel
Add a Legend to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) CoordinatesaddLegend
Calculate Fibonacci Numbers by Several MethodscalcFib
Calculate the Geometric Mean, Allowing for ZeroescalcGM
Calculate the Minimum of a User-Defined FunctioncalcMin
Data: Sampled Counts of Quillback Rockfish (Sebastes maliger)CCA.qbr
Choose and Set a String Item in a GUIchooseWinVal
Launch a GUI for Project File DeletioncleanProj
Launch a GUI for File DeletioncleanWD
Remove all R Objects From a Specified EnvironmentclearAll
Clear File Extension AssociationsclearPBSext
Clear the R Console / Focus on the RGui WindowclearRcon focusRgui
Remove all Current Widget VariablesclearWinVal
Clip a Vector at One or Both EndsclipVector
Close GUI Window(s)closeWin
Compile a C File into a Shared Library ObjectcompileC
Convert and Save a Window Description as a ListcompileDescription
Convert Slashes from UNIX to DOSconvSlashes
Create a GUI with a Vector WidgetcreateVector
Create a GUI WindowcreateWin
Declare Option Names that Correspond with Widget NamesdeclareGUIoptions
Execute Action Created by a WidgetdoAction
PBSmodelling Environment.PBSmodEnv
GUI Windows .win.chTest .win.closeALL .win.closeChoice .win.closeSDE .win.makeChoice .win.restoreCWD .win.runExHelperQuit .win.tcall .win.tget .win.tprint
Draw a Linear Barplot on the Current PlotdrawBars
Evaluate a Function CallevalCall
Expand the Plot Area by Adjusting MarginsexpandGraph
Export a Saved HistoryexportHistory
Search a Character Vector to Find Multiple PatternsfindPat
Find a Prefix Based on Names of Existing FilesfindPrefix findSuffix
Locates a program in the PATH environment variablefindProgram
Set the Focus on a Particular WindowfocusWin
Generate Test Matrices for plotBubblesgenMatrix
Choose One String Item from a List of ChoicesgetChoice
Get PBS Options for WidgetsgetGUIoptions
Get and Set User OptionsgetOptions setOptions
Get and Set File Name for Saving and Loading of OptionsgetOptionsFileName setOptionsFileName
Get and Set GUI Prefix of Options ClassgetOptionsPrefix setOptionsPrefix
Get Command Associated With File Name ExtensiongetPBSext
Retrieve A User OptiongetPBSoptions
Retrieve the Last Window ActiongetWinAct
Retrieve Names of Functions Referenced in a WindowgetWinFun
Retrieve Widget Values for Use in R CodegetWinVal
Prompt the User to Choose Yes or NogetYes
Restrict a Numeric Variable to a Positive ValueGT0
Import a History List from a FileimportHistory
Create Structures for a New History WidgetaddHistory backHistory clearHistory firstHistory forwHistory initHistory jumpHistory lastHistory rmHistory
Identify an Object and Print InformationisWhat
List Objects in .PBSmodEnv Workspacelisp
Launch a GUI for Compiling and Loading C CodeloadC
Save and Load Options to and from DiskloadOptions saveOptions saveOptionsAs
Load and Save Options Values to and from a GUIloadOptionsGUI saveOptionsGUI
Convert Solid Colours to Translucencelucent
Open Example Files from a PackageopenExamples
Open File with Associated ProgramopenFile
Open Package User GuideopenUG
Pack a List with ObjectspackList
Pad Values with Leading Zeroespad0
Convert a Window Description File into a List ObjectparseWinFile
Pause Between Graphics Displays or Other Calculationspause
PBS ModellingPBSmodelling-package PBSmodelling
S4: Project Options ClassPBSoptions-class print,PBSoptions-method show,PBSoptions-method
Pick a Colour From a Palette and get the Hexadecimal CodepickCol
Plot Autocorrelation Bars From a Data Frame, Matrix, or VectorplotACF
Construct a Plot with a Specified Aspect RatioplotAsp
Construct a Bubble Plot from a MatrixplotBubbles
Plot Cumulative Sum of DataplotCsum
Plot Density Curves from a Data Frame, Matrix, or VectorplotDens
Render a Pairs Plot as Fried Eggs and BeerplotFriedEggs
Plot Table as Horizontal SidebarsplotSidebars
Plot Trace Lines from a Data Frame, Matrix, or VectorplotTrace
Run a Presentation in RpresentTalk
Prompt the User to Write Changed OptionspromptWriteOptions
Read a List from an ASCII FilereadList
Read PBS Options from an External FilereadPBSoptions
Reset par Values for a PlotresetGraph
Get Actual Parameters from Scaled ValuesrestorePar
Interactive GUI for R DemosrunDemos
Run a Single GUI Example Included with PBS ModellingrunExample
Run GUI Examples Included with PBS ModellingrunExamples
Scale Parameters to [0,1]scalePar
Display Dialogue: Select directoryselectDir
Display Dialogue: Open or Save FileselectFile
Set a PBS File Path Option InteractivelysetFileOption
Set PBS Options from Widget ValuessetGUIoptions
Set a PBS Path Option InteractivelysetPathOption
Set Command to Associate with File Name ExtensionsetPBSext
Set A User OptionsetPBSoptions
Browse for Working Directory and Optionally Find PrefixsetwdGUI
Update Widget ColorsetWidgetColor
Update Widget StatesetWidgetState
Add a Window Action to the Saved Action VectorsetWinAct
Update Widget ValuessetWinVal
Convert Numbers into Text with Specified Decimal Placesshow0
Display a Message in an Alert WindowshowAlert
Display Expected Widget ArgumentsshowArgs
Display HTML Help Pages for Packages in BrowsershowHelp
Show Packages Required But Not InstalledshowPacks
Show Results of Expression Represented by TextshowRes
Display Vignettes for PackagesshowVignettes
Sort an Active or Saved HistorysortHistory
S4: Present Talk Classesbreak-class code-class file-class section-class talk-class text-class
Test Various Alpha Transparency ValuestestAlpha
Display Colours Available Using a Set of StringstestCol
Display Line Types AvailabletestLty
Display Line WidthstestLwd
Display Sample GUIs and their Source CodetestWidgets widgets
Get/Put Objects From/To Temporary Work Environmenttcall tget tprint tput
Unpack List Elements into VariablesunpackList
Update Active GUI With Local ValuesupdateGUI
Data: Lengths-at-Age for von Bertalanffy Curvevbdata
Data: Initial Parameters for a von Bertalanffy Curvevbpars
View First/Last/Random n Elements/Rows of an Objectview
View Package R CodeviewCode
Write a List to a File in PBS Modelling FormatwriteList
Write PBS Options to an External FilewritePBSoptions